leumi bank code 2 digits
banks in Israel are identified by bank number. Each bank in the State of Israel is given an identification code which must be identified when conducting a bank transfer or checking checks through the Bank of Israel
leumi bank code 2 digits
10 – Bank Leumi identification
In some banking systems Bank Leumi is identified by only two digits 10
IBAN BIC Codes leumi bank bank code leumi
Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M LUMIILIT
leumi bank IBAN format International Money Transfers Bank Leumi
IL – Israel
xx – 2 characters issued by your branch
010 – Bank Leumi identification Use 3 digits
XXX – Branch number of leumi bank
Five 0 – Issued automatically by the system to reach 13 characters
YYYYYYYY – Account number To which the money is intended
מאסטר קארד דיי 10 לחודש הנחות מבצעים קוד הנחה
israel bank code 2 digits
Bank Leumi 10 * Bank Hapoalim code 12 * Mizrahi Bank code 14 * Union Bank Number code 13 * Discount Bank code 11 * First International Bank code 31
code of Bank of Postal Bank 09 * code of Bank Yahav 04 * Bank of Jerusalem code 54 * code of Arab Israel Bank 34 * Mercantile Discount Bank 17
leumi bank code 2 digitsAll the details for making bank transfers to Bank Leumi IBAN format Bank Leumi identification Leumi's Swift code